TPL Vision’s preisgekrönte und patentierte Modulare Balkenleuchte bietet universelle Lösungen für Pick-and-Place, Logistik, Verpackung und Rückverfolgbarkeitsanwendungen.
In Kombination mit unseren Angel Changers kann die Modulare Balkenbeleuchtung für nahezu jede Machine-Vision-Anwendung konfiguriert werden. Unsere Produkte unterstützen weltweit Tausende von Kunden dabei, industrielle Automatisierungs- und Logistikanwendungen in verschiedenen Branchen effektiv und fachkundig zu beleuchten. Dabei unterstützen wir Pharmazie-, Lebensmittel- und Getränkeherstellung bis hin zur Automobilindustrie und viele mehr.
* US Patent No.: US D976,449 S
Watch our video tutorials and explore our case studies to learn more about how the M-EBAR and Angle Changers can benefit your specific needs. Whether you’re working with large fields of view, high-speed applications, or shiny surfaces, our tools offer the flexibility and performance you require. Click below to explore further and optimise your machine vision setup with the M-EBAR today!
Do your inspection applications suffer from hot spots in the middle? Do you struggle to illuminate large FoVs uniformly? Our patented Curve Effect can help you solve these problems in no time.
The Curve Effect is an extremely powerful tool for creating excellent uniformity and homogeneity over a large FoV and long working distances using a bar light with variable intensity across its length.
Das Vision Systems Design Innovators Awards-Programm würdigt die innovativsten Produkte und Dienstleistungen in der Vision- und Bildverarbeitungsbranche. Die Modular Bar & Angle Changers haben im Jahr 2021 eine Silbermedaille gewonnen.
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Watch our video tutorials and explore our case studies to learn more about how the M-EBAR and Angle Changers can benefit your specific needs. Whether you’re working with large fields of view, high-speed applications, or shiny surfaces, our tools offer the flexibility and performance you require. Click below to explore further and optimise your machine vision setup with the M-EBAR today!
Do your inspection applications suffer from hot spots in the middle? Do you struggle to illuminate large FoVs uniformly? Our patented Curve Effect can help you solve these problems in no time.
The Curve Effect is an extremely powerful tool for creating excellent uniformity and homogeneity over a large FoV and long working distances using a bar light with variable intensity across its length.
Das Vision Systems Design Innovators Awards-Programm würdigt die innovativsten Produkte und Dienstleistungen in der Vision- und Bildverarbeitungsbranche. Die Modular Bar & Angle Changers haben im Jahr 2021 eine Silbermedaille gewonnen.
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